Friday 4 November 2011

OK to have a day off

Last night I was doing my switchover from days to nights. Now, how this always works for me, is that I get home about 9, have something to eat and I stay up til about 2am. Sometimes it's not easy to do. And usually right after I get home, I do a workout. But yesterday was my day off for this week. Then after going to bed about 2, I sleep as long as I can which is usually about 1pm, then get up and do my errands and then I'm off to work for my 3 nightshifts.

I got to thinking though that some people are so strict about their diets they don't allow themselves a cheat day or a day off. In my opinion, when you do that, your setting yourself up for failure. As the age old saying goes "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", plus I also like to enforce the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time you do your workouts and eat healthy and 20% is your time off and cheat days.

Now I'm done my first of three nightshifts and I'm on my way home. Then grab my gym clothes and off I go. Then come back home, chill and then off to bed. Then I start the whole day over again tonight.

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